Friday, October 13, 2006

portraits - project 1

Here are some photos from my photo class project on portraits. We had to do two self-portraits and two of someone else, so I did one of Jasmine and one of a friend. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Photos from class - assignment 7

I can't remember what assignment 7 was, and again it was with the image I took at Yellowstone back in 1996. Here are the two versions, but I seriously can't remember what I did to the image for the assignment! Enjoy.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Photos from class - assignment 6

For this assignment, we were to add an atmospheric effect to a photo. I chose one that I took in Yellowstone National Park back in 1996 when I traveled across country moving home to Michigan from Washington State. It was a fun trip with my dad and cousin and we made it in 4 days, stopping at yellowstone and other national sites along the way. I added a rainbow effect to the original image.

Here are the photos from assignment 6 for class...Assignment 5 was to learn how to print our photos, which I did not do so well on and I printed a photo from Assignment 4 so I am not going to bore you with it!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Photos from class - assignment four

So, in the past month I have moved to Charles Village near Johns Hopkins University Homewood campus, and had my family come for a 10 day visit so I have been remiss in here you go, this is assignment four from my digi photo class...enjoy!

These are of a color image that I had to treat three different ways. I chose Duotone, greyscale and favorite is the sepia one.

Friday, July 07, 2006

photo assigment two - part two

Here is the second part of the post. This assignment was to take extreme closeups, closeups, texture, landscapes, and spaces.